Web Transaction Server for ClearPath MCP

Product Overview

Web Transaction Server for ClearPath MCP is a highly scalable, standards-based, high-performance HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Web server that runs in an MCP Environment. It communicates with browsers by using HTTP version 1.1 over a TCP/IP network.

The Site Manager—a component of the Web Transaction Server—is a JavaScript framework (ReactJS) website that enables Web administrators to easily configure and manage the Web Transaction Server.

The Web Transaction Server software incorporates Web server capabilities into every ClearPath enterprise server. You can use it to access and distribute hypertext documents and hyperlinked multimedia information, including text, images, audio, video, and Java applets. A variety of client workstations can access the Web Transaction Server as a document repository or as a gateway to MCP applications.

The Web Transaction Server offers fast performance and efficient ways to access files and execute programs that access or create files. It can help you to track the amount of traffic on your Web site. End results are lower overhead costs, improved productivity, and increased profitability.

General Features

Web Transaction Server includes the following features:

  • Supports Apache-style Server Side Includes (SSI).  SSI allows data to be dynamically inserted into file and application responses, such as common footers and headers.

  • Provides high-performance Web access to MCP databases, applications, and resources.

  • Provides the capability to publish hypertext documents and hyperlinked multimedia information to the Internet, World Wide Web, intranets, and extranets. This information includes text, graphics, audio, video, and Java applets.

  • Provides the ability to upload files over HTTP which provides the following capabilities:

    • Uploaded files can be mapped to MCP record files, such as those of CDATA type, and character set translation is supported.

    • Settable maximum file upload sizes, which protects the MCP system from the cost of uploading files that are too large for the system to handle.

    • Large file uploads are tanked to disk instead of being stored in memory, mitigating high memory usage by Web Transaction Server during large uploads.

    • Multiple files can be uploaded in a single upload.

    • Support for the Jupload applet.

  • Allows trusting HTTP proxies to identify the actual end client. Logging shows the real end client, and applications can access the IP address of the client.

  • Provides the mechanism for an internal communication intranet within your organization. Individuals and groups can use the intranet to create and store documents for internal access.

  • Enables you to view disk files and directories on a ClearPath server from a browser.

  • Supports multiple, individually configured Web sites on one server. A single MCP server can represent multiple Web sites. You can configure most server features on a Web site basis.

  • Scales to support thousands of simultaneous users.

  • Includes a flexible MCP security mechanism that provides protection against unauthorized use. A usercode and password are required to access the administration Web site, the Site Manager, the configuration file, and any private files. You can also use TCP/IP Security to restrict access to particular Web sites on the server. The Web Transaction Server logs security violations when USERDATA or SECURITYSUPPORT rejects a user log-on attempt.

  • Includes an application interface, which enables you to develop gateways from the Web Transaction Server to specific MCP databases, applications, and resources.

  • Is compatible with any HTTP-compliant client or proxy.

  • Incorporates a high-performance application programming interface (API) (server extension) for user-written applications and supports existing MCP-based Common Gateway Interface (CGI) library applications.

  • Improves performance by caching frequently-accessed information. The software stores the cached files in memory, so that each time a document is requested, it is retrieved from the cache, rather than from the disk. This process improves document access time.

  • Supports Transaction Server applications initiated independently of the Web Transaction Server through the Custom Connect Facility WEBPCM.

  • Is operated easily. The Web Transaction Server has a graphical interface for configuration and monitoring. The Web Transaction Server also provides high availability and resiliency with an unattended restart/recovery capability. The Web Transaction Server is automatically initiated as a DSS provider at the first browser request.

  • Can be used with the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) for ClearPath MCP to run Java EE applications or used with Apache Jakarta Tomcat to run Java Server Pages on the MCP.

  • Includes support for the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) through ClearPath Secure Transport.

  • Supports file uploads to the MCP through the File Manager program.

  • Supports character set handling (Internationalization)

  • Web Transaction Server supports internationalization through additional character set handling. The server translates ClearPath MCP text files to a specific character set as specified by Web site directives. These documents can be in character sets other than ASERIESEBCDIC, and they are properly translated to character sets that Web clients can interpret. This support enables the server to meet requirements for character sets such as Traditional Chinese.

    Each Web site can specify a source character set or use the ClearPath MCP HOSTCCS option to specify a source character set.

    The server can append a charset setting in the Content-Type HTTP header of the response, making browser interpretation of the response more reliable.

  • Supports NTLM v1 or v2 authentication methods

    With the Web Transaction Server, you can configure directories and applications to use one of these types of authentication:

    • Basic (HTTP)

    • NTLM

      If configured for NTLM, the Web Transaction Server tells the client to use NTLM when accessing a resource that requires authentication. NTLM provides a way to send the usercode and password in encrypted format, instead of in clear text.

  • Supports SSL client certificates

    The Web Transaction Server can request client certificates on an SSL port. This request occurs when the client opens an SSL connection. If the client certificate is valid or if the client does not supply a certificate, the connection opens.

    The server can restrict resources to only those clients who provide a certificate validated by ClearPath MCP SSL. Thus, you can configure applications, virtual directories, or physical directories to require client certificates for access. If a client tries to access a resource that requires a certificate, and a certificate is not supplied, the request is rejected with a 403 (Forbidden) error.

    Server API applications can request the full certificate or portions of the certificate.


    The AJPSUPPORT module supports the ability to connect Web Transaction Server to an instance of Tomcat that is running on either the same ClearPath MCP system or any remote system (such as a Windows platform). This module accepts requests from HTTP clients and passes those requests over a TCP socket to one or more Tomcat instances.

    This module uses the API to Web Transaction Server. Through the AJPSUPPORT module, Web Transaction Server supports

    • Different levels of Tomcat

    • Tomcat instances embedded in a JBoss application server

    • AJP protocol (level 1.3)

    • Initiating the MCP Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the Tomcat instance

  • Delay authentication retry feature to deter hackers from guessing MCP passwords

  • Protection against HTTP response splitting attacks

  • Protection against cross-site scripting attacks

New Features/Enhancements

Sitemanager-JS is a new component of Web Transaction Server and is a replacement for the existing Site Manager applet. Sitemanager-JS enables administrators to easily configure and manage the Web Transaction Server. Site Manager-JS provides same the features as the Site Manager applet; however, Sitemanager-JS does not require you to install Java on your system for use. Additionally, Sitemanager-JS supports modern web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.

Ordering Information

The Web Transaction Server is included as part of the operating environment. Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • Web Transaction Server for ClearPath MCP Site Manager Help (4310 3415)

  • Web Transaction Server for ClearPath MCP Administration and Programming Guide (4310 3365)