ClearPath MCP Interface to Microsoft Message Queuing

Product Overview

ClearPath MCP Interface to Microsoft Message Queuing (WinMQ) provides a gateway between the Windows environment and the ClearPath MCP Environment. The Windows portion of the gateway interoperates with a Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) server to provide access to the MSMQ queues.

The gateway provides both a bridge between MSMQ and Unisys Transaction Server direct-windows applications, and a complete application programming interface (WinMQ API) for MCP-based applications. The bridge allows unmodified Transaction Server direct-window applications to receive input from and send responses to MSMQ queues. The WinMQ API requires the MCP applications (written in COBOL85, COBOL74, ALGOL, and NEWP) to be modified to use the API calls provided. These API calls conform to Microsoft specifications.

General Features

ClearPath Interface to Microsoft Message Queuing offers the following data paths depending on your processing requirements.

  • The protocol-specific handler data path bridges from Microsoft MSMQ queues to Transaction Server direct-window applications. You can use existing direct-window applications without modification. The two portions of this data path are

    • Custom Connect Facility protocol-specific handler (CCF PSH)

    • Connector protocol-specific handler (Connector PSH)

  • The WinMQ API support library data path provides the ability to develop applications that use the MSMQ API.

WinMQ uses the MSMQ product running in the Windows environment to manage message queues and facilitate message exchange between applications.

Configuration Requirements

MCP Software

  • Custom Connect Facility (CCF) must be installed to use CCF PSH routers.

  • Connector PSH (CONNPSH) must be installed if you plan to use Connector PSH routers.

  • Unisys TCP/IP implementation

  • WIN RPC must be installed if you plan to use the API feature.

  • MCP Transaction Manager must be installed if transaction semantics are to be supported.

Windows Environment

  • See the Compatibility matrices at the URL below.

  • Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ)

Compatibility matrices at

Ordering Information




The ordering style for ClearPath MCP Interface to Microsoft Message Queuing is CSP 10nn-MQI, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • WinMQ User's Guide (6898 5985)

  • WinMQ Help (6989 5993)