DSI FileManager

Product Overview

FileManager, from Dynamic Solutions International, provides a simplified interface and file tracking mechanism to allow for backup and recovery of MCP files to local storage (tape) or remote storage (Cloud).

FileManager provides the ability to define one or more set-based backup scenarios for MCP hosts. A set defines a group of files to be managed (backed up or restored) and is based on pack family names and file directories with subsets of files included or excluded as needed. A set can be preconfigured or temporarily defined for a one time backup or restore process.

Files that are backed up by FileManager are recorded in the FileManager database. You can recover these files with the FileManager restore operation. FileManager determines which tape or remote container the files are on and manages the restore process. By default, the most recent version of a file is restored but older versions of a file can be selected if needed. Files can also be restored to a different name and location than that of their origination. A reporting system is included in FileManager so the account can determine which files are backed up or can query on files or directories for availability.

General Features

FileManager includes the following general features.

  • Customizable back-up scenarios

    The three types of backup scenarios are full, differential, and incremental. You can set up the options for the backup scenario to further filter the files in the set by attributes such as creation date, altered time, and so on. You can also define options for the backup scenario to be applied to the backup process such as verification and reporting. You can also specify backup destination options such as encryption and scratch pool. Once the backup is defined, you can start the process or save the backup scenario for reuse. You can also save the WFL job generated for the backup for reuse or for calling by other jobs.

  • Custom reporting

  • Advanced macro-tool

  • Advanced searches using wild cards

  • Support for backing up to local tape storage

  • Support for backing up to remote storage such as a Cloud storage provider

Configuration Requirements

ClearPath MCP Release 18.0 or later

Ordering Information

Your Unisys representative can help you select the components suited to your business needs.

Product Information

Documentation for this product is located on the Unisys Product Support site.