Security Software Developer's Kit (SDK)

Product Overview

The following security interfaces are available to application programmers in the MCP Environment:

  • Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API)

  • McpCryptoApi


The Security SDK provides programming information about these three security interfaces, plus basic security and cryptography concepts, particularly as they apply to ClearPath MCP application programming.

The Security SDK also contains information about some MCP interfaces (USERDATA, password change libraries, and password generator libraries), supported message-digest algorithms, and usage of Kerberos in application programs. Password change libraries and the security option PASSWORDCHANGE are described under the general features for this product.

General Features

Use Cases

The Security SDK divides ClearPath MCP application security into distinct use cases, with considerations for application design decision making.

Cryptography Concepts

The Security SDK provides a basic introduction to general cryptography concepts and an introduction to resources available in the ClearPath MCP Environment.


The Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSS-API) provides security services to callers in a generic fashion. In the ClearPath MCP Environment, GSS-API supports the industry-standard Kerberos authentication mechanism, as well as the native USERDATA mechanism.

The Security SDK documents the security routines available through the GSS-API to application programs and gives instructions for how to use these routines to secure an application program in the ClearPath MCP Environment. Specific examples are included.

McpCryptoApi for Application Programs

McpCryptoApi provides cryptographic and some public key infrastructure (PKI) functions to application programs in the ClearPath MCP Environment. These functions are available through a series of INCLUDE files. The Security SDK gives detailed programming instructions for enabling an application program with the following items:

  • Message encryption

  • Message digests

  • Digital signatures

  • PKI functions

Specific examples are included.


The PASSWORDCHANGE sample library implements some basic rules that can be applied when a password is changed, and can be used with the security option.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL/TLS)

Access to SSL/TLS from user applications is available through BSD Sockets (SOCKETSUPPORT) and TCPIPNATIVESERVICE Port Files. For BSD Sockets, examples are available such as:

  • Server examples are available in ALGOL, NEWP, COBOL, and C.

  • Client examples for the MCP Environment are available in ALGOL, NEWP, COBOL, and C. Client examples for the workstation environment are available in C, Visual Basic, and Java.

For TCPIPNATIVESERVICE, sample ALGOL programs for both client and server are available.

Ordering Information

The Security Software Developer’s Kit is part of the MCP documentation library, located on the Product Support site.

Product Information

Refer to the ClearPath Enterprise Servers Security Software Developers Kit (2621 1060) for more information.