Product Overview

dbaTOOLS provides the tools necessary tomonitor and maintain the performance of your ClearPath database environments. dbaTOOLS works with any database system that is based on the Enterprise Database Server: Enterprise Database Server Extended Edition, Enterprise Application Environment, and Agile Business Suite.

dbaTOOLS consists of three distinct modules: a collection and analysis module; a access logging module that logs and reports all accesses to tracked databases; and a monitor module that provides real-time monitoring, including Automatic Display Mode, visible DBS commands, memory tuning, resource usage alarms, and real-time graphing of database information that can be captured and replayed.

Each dbaTOOLS module consists of two software componentss one that runs on the MCP system and one that runs on the PC client.

The dbaTOOLS Library package provides a cost effective and convenient way to license the three modules together to optimize database performance. You can also license the modules individually.

General Features

Database Tuning

Database Tuning provides all the information required to monitor the following Enterprise Database Server properties and change them:

  • Allowedcore

  • Overlaygoal

  • Buffer usage

This feature requires both the Monitor and the Analyzer modules.

AccessLog Module

The AccessLog Module provides logging and reporting of all access of database items. These features are available in this release with the dbaTOOLS AccessLog module:

  • Scans the System Sumlogs pulling all the Enterprise Database Server entries and loads the entries into a database on the client.

  • Provides a client interface for querying and reporting on all accesses to the tracked databases.

Monitor Module

The dbaTOOLS Monitor Module provides the following features:


The Alarms feature requires the Monitor module and enables you to specify conditions that activate a dbaTOOLS alarm. You can select from a list of Enterprise Database Server variables and trigger an alarm when the variable exceeds or falls below the specified limits. You can configure the Monitor to send e-mail or display a message on the client PC.

Real-Time Graphing

With the Monitor module, you can graph various statistics in real time by selecting the variable to be graphed. The Monitor captures the graphs for replay. You can save graph specifications for easy re-use. With Real-Time Graphing, you can

  • Graph database or structure attributes

  • Select multiple structures for graphing

  • Specify the following information for graphing:

    • Physical I/O

    • Logical I/O

    • Buffer usage

  • Change and save graph attributes

  • Capture and replay graphs

Memory Tuning

With the Monitor module, you can perform database memory tuning based on total system memory. The Monitor module provides memory estimates based on database usage. You can specify the allowed core and structure buffer settings to optimize your database performance

Reorganization Calculator

The Monitor module includes a database reorganization calculator that provides recommended reorganization settings based on the database structures to reorganize.

On-line Garbage Collection

The On-Line Garbage Collection feature of dbaTOOLS Monitor is designed to automatically on-line garbage collect the Index-Sequential sets in the databases. This can increase the performance and efficiency of the sets and reduce the possibility of set LimitErrors.

When you select a database to garbage collect, all sets in the selected database are analyzed to determine which sets are in critical need of garbage collection. Critical need is determined by pending LimitErrors, Loading, and Level analysis. You can set parameters to control the analysis. A list of all structures in the specified category is created and you can select structures to skip. The rest of the structures are listed in order by the date of the last garbage collection with the oldest listed first.

You can specify the maximum number of structures to garbage collect and the maximum number of garbage collections to run simultaneously. As structures are completed, new garbage collections are started until all listed structures are completed.

Monitor Client Component

The Monitor Client component enables you to display the following in real time:

  • The number of users, core usage, and overlay goal and rate

  • Messages related to archive databases

  • Statistics on databases and database structures

  • Instant population on standard data sets

Analyzer Module

The Analyzer Client component runs on a PC with Microsoft Windows. The Analyzer MCP component loads the data on the MCP system into files that are loaded into a database by the Analyzer Client component for reporting and analysis.

Analyzer Client Component

Data set population growth is calculated based on the historical data and is used to project future limit errors. The Analyzer module provides the following services and results:

  • Enterprise Database Server statistics analysis

    • Data set average wait time

    • Data set versus set finds

    • Physical versus logical I/O

    • Reblock analysis

    • General database statistics

    • Audit statistics

  • Lock Statistics reports

  • Population tracking and reporting

    • Limit error detection and reporting

    • Percentage of data set used

    • Percentage of deleted records

    • Detailed compact data set report

    • Detailed variable format data set report

  • Index sequential table level analysis

    • Recommended entries per table

    • Garbage collection results

  • Index table loading

  • Index table bias

  • Wasted block space analysis

  • Database disk segment usage reporting

  • Online browsing of structure information

  • Set and data-set block size calculator

  • Multiple database reports

    • Graphs

The Analyzer Client component also enables you to

  • Average a group of database snapshots

  • Determine the difference between two database snapshots

  • Use blocksize calculators to support VSS-2 disk technology

Analyzer MCP Component

The Analyzer MCP component runs on a ClearPath server and collects data about Enterprise Database Server databases. You use a parameter file to request the type and amount of data to be collected and the time that it is to be collected. This component can keep databases open, start Work Flow Language (WFL) jobs, issue Enterprise Database Server Visible DBS commands, and start Enterprise Database Server utility jobs. This component produces a snapshot file that you can download to a PC for analysis.

Ordering Information for dbaTOOLS Library

The dbaTOOLS Library package includes licenses for the three dbaTOOLS modules: dbaTOOLS Analyzer, dbaTOOLS Monitor, and dbaTOOLS AccessLog.

Nonmetered ClearPath MCP Servers



CSP 10nn-DBL

dbaTOOLS Library software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

CSU 10nn-DBL

dbaTOOLS Library software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Metered ClearPath MCP Servers



UOP 10nn-DBL

dbaTOOLS Library software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

UOU 10nn-DBL

dbaTOOLS Library software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product

Ordering Information for dbaTOOLS Analyzer

Nonmetered ClearPath MCP Servers



CSP 10nn-DB1

dbaTOOLS Analyzer software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

CSU 10nn-DB1

dbaTOOLS Analyzer software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Metered ClearPath MCP Servers



UOP 10nn-DB1

dbaTOOLS Analyzer software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

UOU 10nn-DB1

dbaTOOLS Analyzer software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product

Ordering Information for dbaTOOLS Monitor

Nonmetered ClearPath MCP Servers



CSP 10nn-DBM

dbaTOOLS Monitor software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

CSU 10nn-DBM

dbaTOOLS Monitor software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Metered ClearPath MCP Servers



UOP 10nn-DBM

dbaTOOLS Monitor software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

UOU 10nn-DBM

dbaTOOLS Monitor software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Ordering Information for dbaTOOLS AccessLog

Nonmetered ClearPath MCP Servers



CSP 10nn-DBG

dbaTOOLS AccessLog software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

CSU 10nn-DBG

dbaTOOLS AccessLog software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product

Metered ClearPath MCP Servers



UOP 10nn-DBG

dbaTOOLS AccessLog software license, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

UOU 10nn-DBG

dbaTOOLS AccessLog software update subscription, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

The electronic help documentation is included with the product.