Native File Transfer

Product Overview

If you have multiple enterprise servers, Native File Transfer provides you with an effective means of transferring files between your systems. Native File Transfer is a specific Distributed Systems Services (DSS) service that runs on all MCP-based enterprise server systems. Native File Transfer can transfer all disk files, except for certain system files, across BNAv2 local and wide area networks (LAN/WAN).

General Features

Native File Transfer uses the port file interface to Heritage Network Services as the transport mechanism that enables the network topology between the enterprise server systems to appear transparent. Native File Transfer is a unidirectional data transfer protocol, which sends fixed-size 5,400-byte blocks to achieve a high level of performance subject to the restraints of the network topology and line connection capacities.

The WRAP File Enabler product enables you to package native MCP files, along with their MCP attributes, as byte stream data files. This capability allows you to transport native MCP files across heterogeneous networks while preserving their native file attributes. When these files arrive back in an MCP Environment, you can use the MCP unwrap facility to restore them to their original format.

Configuration Requirements

  • Heritage Network Services must be installed.

  • BNA over IP for Application Hosts is required if layer-3 switches or routers are in the path between the hosts.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for Native File Transfer is CSP 10nn-NFT, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Native File Transfer is also included as part of the Heritage Host Services product.

Product Information

Refer to Distributed Systems Services Operations Guide (8600 0122) for more information.