Product Overview
Software License Management for ClearPath MCP provides the tools necessary for you to easily track licensing information across your ClearPath MCP servers. With Software License Management, you can lower license administration costs and reduce the risks of running software that is not compliant with your license agreement.
Software License Management supplies comprehensive usage data that enables you to address critical business decisions by providing answers to such questions as these:
What software products am I licensing that I don’t use?
What software products am I using that I don’t have licenses for?
How much do I use the software products that I do license?
Do I need additional licenses?
Do I need an upgrade?
With Software License Management, you can also lower license administration costs and reduce the risks of running software that is not compliant with your license agreement. Through the use of a unique number assigned to your software order in combination with a unique number assigned to each system at the manufacturing site, Software License Management provides answers to the following questions:
Are my software products installed and running on the correct servers?
Does an upgrade shipment contain everything that it should?
What are the licensing differences between my two servers?
What should I order so that my new server matches an existing server?
General Features
Software License Management for ClearPath MCP has the following components.
License Center
License Center provides an interface for viewing information about software licenses and processing power on MCP servers. License Center retrieves all license information from the license support library through MCPInfo and MCPServer. No other existing tool or interface provides access to all these different types of licenses from one centralized point. License Center helps you to understand exactly which software licenses you have and which ones you might need.
Several technical features make License Center a flexible, efficient, and easy-to-use tool as described in the following points.
Automated collection of usage information
A Usage Summary command enables you to generate a usage report for a user-specified set of keys.
Customizable reports for file and feature licenses
For most types of reports, you can choose the details to be displayed and assign their order. You can filter and limit the number of displayed licenses. Filtering is performed on the client side, which means that the entire set of data is retrieved only once. This process eliminates the delays caused by the need to retrieve additional data from the server to set or reset filtering options.
Delete keys
You can select and delete a single software license or groups of software licenses installed on ClearPath MCP partitions using License Center. This feature is an alternative to the IK DELETE system command.
Display of all keys for active keys files
Detailed information is displayed for all license keys stored in an active keys file on a ClearPath MCP host. Details include usage, compliance, and expiration status.
Display of all keys for inactive keys files
An Open Keys File command enables you to view the contents of an inactive keys file on a connected ClearPath MCP host.
Exportable data
You can export reported information in a format suitable for processing by various spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel. You can include all available details in each exported report or customize the details for easy comparison with contracts, invoices, packing lists, software profiles, and so on.
The tree view structure of License Center clarifies which selections relate to the active license configuration. In addition, the main menu and commands are easy to use.
Log-on credentials
You can connect to an MCP host by using alternative credentials. That is, you can use an MCP usercode and a password that are different from those used through previously established credentials—such as a mapped drive—or different from the usercode and password used to log on to the workstation.
Processor, I/O, memory keys
License Center displays order type and ordered style information for processor, I/O, and memory keys.
Processor licenses tailored to current configuration
The Processor Licenses display for MCP systems is tailored to the current configuration of each partition and to the varieties of processor keys installed on each system. Most columns that do not apply are suppressed. For example, if metering keys are not installed on a system, columns relating to metering are suppressed for partitions belonging to that system.
Purge command
A Purge command enables you to remove all traces of deleted keys from the License Support summary and history databases.
Relocation of license support KEYEDIOII files from DL BACKUP
An optional extension to the LS RESTART command is available that causes the running SYSTEM/LICENSESUPPORT library to relocate the database files to the specified family prior to terminating the library. The restarted program uses the database files on that new family.
Single-point enterprise-wide capabilities
Simultaneous connections to multiple MCP servers provide a consolidated view of information about installed products and software usage across your enterprise. License Center also provides a means of specifying which MCP servers it automatically connects to upon initialization.
Specification of station name when connecting to an MCP host
You can enter an optional station name in the log-in interface of the Add Host and Connect commands.
Support for I/O licenses
License Center displays information about I/O licenses.
Support for memory licenses
License Center displays information about memory licenses on systems that support this feature.
Support for Dynamic Processor Performance Licenses
The Processor Licenses display supports dynamic (percentage-based) processor performance licensing.
Software license information saved to a file
You can save the software license information for a ClearPath host to a file on a client workstation and then open that file at a later time.
User preferences
License Center remembers which MCP servers were accessed in the past and provides a means of specifying the MCP servers to be automatically connected to upon initialization. License Center also remembers your previously customized and exported reports for quick retrieval of your most current information.
The LICENSESUPPORT library resides in the MCP Environment and provides a common interface point for all licensing requests from License Center.
Configuration Requirements
MCP Environment
See the Compatibility Matrices at the following link:
MCPServer (installed automatically with LICENSESUPPORT)
Windows Environment
A compatible Microsoft Windows operating system. For more information, see the Compatibility Matrices at the following link:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or later
MCPInfo (installed automatically with License Center)
Ordering Information
The Software License Management for ClearPath MCP is included as part of the operating environment for ClearPath servers. Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Software License Management for ClearPath MCP User Guide (3833 1922)
License Center Help (3833 1179)
MCP Resource Licensing Guide (6871 3130)