C Compiler

Product Overview

The C Compiler conforms to the international standard (ISO-IEC 9899:1990) for the C programming language. The ANSI standard is based on The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. The advantages of the C language include simple, fast programming, easy program documentation and modification plus a high degree of compatibility with C compilers from other vendors.

The C Compiler does not include interfaces to databases created with Enterprise Database Server for ClearPath MCP.

General Features

A number of major features are available as a result of compliance with the ANSI standard. These features simplify the programming task and add flexibility to the applications development environment.

Major ANSI Features

  • Explicit control of signed versus unsigned for plain character and bit fields

  • Constant and volatile type modifiers for improved optimization

  • Function prototypes for faster calls and more type checking

  • Enumeration type

  • Portable macros for variable numbers of arguments

  • Trigraphs for terminals without US-ANSI characters

  • Structures that can be passed by value and returned

  • Token concatenation and “stringize” operators for the preprocessor


  • Standard Compiler Control Image (CCI) processing (dollar cards)

  • Ability to store the macro-expanded text as a file

  • Ability to link separately compiled C source files

  • Cross-reference file generation

  • Run-time linkage to enterprise server Libraries

  • Relaxation of the type checking rules in the draft standard to be more compatible with Kernighan and Ritchie

  • A fundamental “make” utility

  • Internationalization capabilities

Sort and Merge Features

You can direct the compiler to perform the following actions:

  • Read input records from a file or from a routine within the program.

  • Write output records to a file or to a routine within the program.

  • Sort the records in ascending or descending order.

  • Select a particular collating sequence to use for the sort or merge action. The collating sequences that you can specify include EBCDIC, ASCII, a sequence that you define, or an internationalized, coded character-set version. If you do not specify a collating sequence, the default is EBCDIC.

  • Order the records based on specified keys or through the use of a specially written comparison routine.

  • Perform the sort action by using (for its intermediary workspace) memory only, memory and disk, memory and tape, or all three.

  • Restart the sort or merge action.

Application Development and Maintenance

Application development and maintenance is fully supported using Command and Edit Language (CANDE) and Editor.

The C Compiler Test and Debug System (TADS) is an optional component of the C programming environment.

The BIND_LARGE_PROGRAM compiler control option enables large C programs ported from other hardware platforms to bind individual modules, create an object file, and execute on a ClearPath system without running out of addressable D2 space.

When the C compiler issues error or warning messages to user programs, it appends the title of the file that contains errors or warnings at the end of the message. The C compiler adds the title if the error or warning message is part of the include file. The file title appears only in the error file and remote file. This C compiler feature saves you time in debugging. By knowing which include file or files contain errors or warnings, you can fix the error or take the appropriate action.

Ordering Information

The C Compiler is included as part of the operating environment.

Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Refer to the following documents for more information:

  • C Programming Reference Manual, Volume 1: Basic Implementation (8600 2268)

  • C Programming Reference Manual, Volume 2: Headers and Functions (8600 2278)

  • C Test and Debug System (TADS) Programming Reference Manual (8600 1591)