TeamQuest Express

Product Overview

TeamQuest Express enables you to analyze system performance. It provides historical performance reporting based on information in the ClearPath system log. TeamQuest Express also includes custom log records for system performance information not provided by standard system logging functions. TeamQuest Express is a subset of the functionality available in the TeamQuest SMFII product.

General Features

This release of TeamQuest Express includes these capabilities:

  • Tracking of historical trends of system-wide performance statistics

  • Analyzing resource usage of jobs and tasks

  • Measuring I/O activity for files

  • Determining printed output usage levels

  • Tracking of security violations

  • Tracking of system hardware errors

  • Providing resource usage information for chargeback accounting systems

Configuration Requirements

TeamQuest Express operates on any MCP system.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for TeamQuest Express is CSP 10nn-XPR, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is not available for this product.

Product Information

Product information is available on the TeamQuest CD-ROM, which is shipped with the product.