Enterprise Database Server Inquiry

Product Overview

Enterprise Database Server Inquiry provides online, interactive access to Enterprise Database Server databases. The Inquiry interface is simple enough to be used by personnel who have little or no programming experience. Inquiry end users can access information managed in any part of the database, regardless of the complexity of the database.

Inquiry is designed to turn data into information. This interface virtually eliminates programming for run-time information requests, which enables programming personnel to attend to more important tasks, while offering a higher level of user satisfaction.

General Features

Inquiry can select a record or a set of records from an Enterprise Database Server database and display user-selected data items contained in the record. A simple, user-oriented language is provided to permit the selection of desired information. Online help is available to assist a requester in forming an information request or in resolving errors encountered. Requests that might be used more than once can be named, saved, and subsequently invoked, eliminating the need to retype the request. You can edit any current information request to revise its scope eliminating the need to re-enter the entire statement. Inquiry offers simplified installation, permitting virtually immediate use with any Enterprise Database Server database.

Inquiry supports complex selection criteria requiring logical operators such as AND, OR, and NOT, as well as relational operations such as equal to and less than.

You can specify information privacy and security to the item level with standard Enterprise Database Server and MCP facilities. These security issues include access to the system, the database a user is permitted to open, the specific data sets accessible within the database, authorized record categories within a data set, and legal items within a record. You can also control specified commands within the Inquiry environment. For example, you could limit the use of the UPDATE command to specific users.

Ordering Information




The ordering style for Enterprise Database Server Inquiry is CSP 10nn-DI2, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10).

Source code is available for this product. You can license it separately.

Product Information

Refer to the DMSII Inquiry Operations Guide (8807 6120) for more information.