Product Overview
Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP provides a highly available environment, designed to support large relational databases and high-volume online transaction processing. Relational Database Server incorporates a variety of validation, audit/recovery, and access control capabilities designed to support mission-critical applications.
General Features
Create, Query and Update Relational Databases
The Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP enables you to: create relational databases using a data definition language (DDL) and the Relational Design Center schema administration tool.
After you have created a relational database, you can query and update it using standard Structured Query Language (SQL)-compliant tools (such as the Query Design Center) and from Java, COBOL and ALGOL applications. A JDBC driver is available for use by Java applications running on MCP JProcessors, as well as on Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers.
Add SQL Capabilities to Existing Enterprise Database Server Databases
The Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP enables you to add SQL capabilities to existing Enterprise Database Server databases. This allows you to use SQL-compliant tools to access and update the database in addition to the Enterprise Database Server’s host language interface and other data access tools.
The Relational Design Center is a schema administration tool that you can use to enable SQL access to Enterprise Database Server databases. This enables you to perform inquiries or updates against the data in the database by using any tool or application that generates SQL data manipulation language (DML) statements compatible with the Unisys implementation of SQL. For example, these tools or applications include:
Query Design Center
JDBC driver
ALGOL and COBOL programs that use the SQL call-level interface (CLI)
Tools and Utilities
Query Processor
The Query Processor is an SQL parser, optimizer, and query execution engine. The Query Processor accepts and executes SQL commands and interacts with the database to return the expected results.
The Query Processor is compliant with the SQL-92, entry level with extensions, data manipulation language (DML) as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) document X3.135-1992, “Database Language SQL.”
SQL Call-level Interface (CLI) for COBOL and ALGOL Programs
The Relational Database Server provides an SQL call-level interface (CLI) that you can use in COBOL85, COBOL74, and ALGOL programs.
The CLI is a standard SQL interface that enables programs to open databases, accept and manage queries, create and use cursors, specify transaction behavior including isolation levels, and commit or roll back transactions. In addition, the CLI enables programs to detect, handle, and report errors; retrieve query descriptions; and handle parameterized queries for efficient program execution.
The CLI conforms to a subset of the SQL CLI as defined by the International Organization for Standardization document ISO/IEC 9075-3:1999, “Information technology -- Database languages -- SQL -- Part 3: Call-Level Interface (SQL/CLI)”.
JDBC Driver
The JDBC application program interface (API) was developed by Oracle to provide programmatic access to relational data from Java applications.
The JDBC driver—which is based on the JDBC 4.0 Specification published by Oracle— provides programmatic access to Relational Database Server databases and to SQL-enabled Enterprise Database Server databases. The JDBC driver enables you to
Establish a connection to a database.
Execute SQL statements, retrieve results, and propagate changes back to that database through the SQL Query Processor.
Process the results of those queries and updates.
The JDBC driver implements a type 4 driver. The driver provides access to databases from a Java application running on MCP JProcessors and on Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers.
Relational Design Center
The Relational Design Center is an interactive schema administration tool that enables you to create and maintain database schemas. You can use the Relational Design Center to:
Create a new relational database that has been defined using the Relational Database Server’s data definition language (DDL).
Make changes to existing relational database schemas
Enable SQL access to existing Enterprise Database Server databases
Query Design Center
The Query Design Center is an interactive tool that administrators and developers can use to design and execute ad-hoc SQL requests against Relational Database Server databases and SQL-enabled Enterprise Database Server databases. This tool makes it easy to design and execute queries against databases and test these queries outside of user applications.
Using Query Design Center, you can specify your solution in terms of joins, ordering, columns to display, and so on. You do not have to use SQL syntax; Query Design Center can automatically build the syntax of your queries based on your input. If you are fluent in SQL, however, you can manually enter and execute SQL syntax
Loader Utility
The Loader utility is a command line tool that facilitates the import of large amounts of data from a file into a table of a Relational Database Server database. The utility is useful for activities such as batch updating of the database from information derived from other databases or for migrating data extracted from some other database.
The utility enables you to describe the form of the input data and to establish various filtering and mapping rules for cases where the input data does not precisely reflect the table in the target database. You can also indicate that only portions of the data from the file be loaded into the table.
New Features/Enhancements
The following features and enhancements were added for this release:
Secure communications for MCP ODBC and JDBC
Improved support for Kerberos
Support for linked tables in Microsoft Access
(NFS) Support for Kerberos for MCP ODBC
Support for the Oracle client to access to DMSII data using ODBC
Ordering Information
Platform |
Style |
ClearPath |
The ordering style for the Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP is CSP 10nn-REL, where nn represents performance groups 10 through 160 (in increments of 10). |
Source code is not available for this product.
Product Information
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP Query Processor Installation and Operations Guide (8222 3819)
Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP Query Processor Programming Guide (8222 3827)
Relational Database Server for ClearPath MCP ODBC Driver User's Guide (8230 6846)